AutoChem by Tortorella is the largest and most trusted distributor of pool cleaning chemicals and other commercial chemicals for pools – up and down the East Coast. Based in Long Island, New York, our team delivers chlorine and other water treatment chemicals to multiple businesses and municipalities in the surrounding areas on a reliable weekly schedule. Our AutoChem division has been in operation for over 40 years and has a reputation for its top-quality chemical products and exceptional customer service.
At AutoChem, we ensure that the quality of our chlorine and other water treatment chemicals is second to none. We maintain the highest standards in the industry when it comes to the purity of our products, which means our customers not only enjoy the safest chemicals available but also benefit from cost savings. A customer using chlorine supplied by AutoChem will require less chlorine to achieve the same result, saving them more money in the long run.
Switch to AutoChem today to see and feel the difference in the quality and longevity of your chemicals. Our promise is to provide nothing but Grade A chlorine and water treatment chemicals for your business.
AutoChem is the largest distributor of chlorine and other water treatment chemicals in New York, servicing Long Island, NYC, and the surrounding areas. Our fleet of trucks delivers commercial chemicals in bulk to anyone that needs them, whenever they need them – that includes delivering to commercial pools, sewer districts, laundromats, water treatment plants, power washing companies, and more. We are chosen by clients because we stand by our reliability to deliver chemicals on time on a regular weekly schedule. Our backup chemical trucks are always prepped and ready to roll out should there be any interference with your delivery, meaning you get your chemicals on time, and your business keeps running, no matter the odds.
Contact us today to see if we can help you with all your water treatment chemical needs. We service Long Island, NYC, and the surrounding areas. Experience the Tortorella AutoChem difference and start saving today.
The “auto” in AutoChem stands for automatic delivery of your chemicals right to the door of your business! No matter what, our team ensures you get your chemicals on time each week, even if it means working evenings, overnight or weekends. It is our number one priority to keep your business operational and in line with the regulations. Should you have any issues, our team at AutoChem prides ourselves on having exceptional customer service, with our chemical care team available 24/7 for any kind of chemical supply issue, emergency or chemical repair you may have at any given moment.
Try a chemical company with a focus on customer service and complete care for your business. No matter the issue our team is prepped and ready to help your business 24/7.
We are the number one chemical response team in our area. We are known for our fast response times and quick/efficient repairs. It is our job to protect your business from fines for any water chemical infractions due to emergency system failures or other issues.We will even liaise with the Board of Health on your behalf to ensure them we are working with you to correct the problem. Our 24 hour emergency hotline is in place for your safety and peace of mind and we will fix the issue from start to finish. In the case of a leak we will neutralize the leak, clean up the leak and then repair and fix the leak. Your safety is our top priority.
Contact Tortorella’s AutoChem Division for all your chemicals and water treatment chemical needs. From chemical supply, to chemical tank installation, repairs and emergency chemical leaks. Our team of professionals are here for you 24/7.
To contact us, simply complete the form below.
Comprehensive Pool Service and Maintenance